The Hopeful Perspective
Welcome to "The Hopeful Perspective" a podcast discussing what it entails to transform from a personal position of suffering, pain, loss and HOPELESSNESS toward a renewed perspective of security, perseverance, love and HOPE. I am your host, Jason Hopkins, a long time victim and survivor who has personally been impacted by the Lord to be a victor and a thriver! In each podcast episode you can expect to find authentic dialog from a Biblical and experiential perspective—that is, BEYOND mere religious anecdotes and simple academic exercise—though all used together engage how to find the HOPE that is essential in moving from a victim to victory. Survivor to thriver. Hopeless to hopeful.
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The Hopeful Perspective
The Bible and the Ballot Part 1: Being Christian in a Partisan World
How does the rise of Christian nationalism and Trumpism impact personal faith? Are we as a country more divided than we have ever been? What do the scriptures actually tell us about our role as believers in politics, and do we see Christians in politics actually living out what the Bible says? Are we to look to the government, or a governing official as the hope of the world? And How do we show Jesus and bridge the divide politics creates in our relationships? These are a few of the questions and principles I will address on the next few episodes on the Hopeful Perspective.
Join me on today's Hopeful Perspective podcast as I recount a heartfelt conversation with a friend who is grappling with these very issues. Reflecting on my own journey and discovery, as I explore the delicate balance of maintaining open-hearted dialogue and embracing love amidst differing perspectives. Together, we navigate the challenging terrain of intertwining faith and politics in today's society.
In the latter part of our discussion, we address contentious topics such as the right to life and the biblical definition of marriage. I share insights from my extensive research and conversations with diverse theological perspectives, and illuminate my own personal stances in order to begin the definition of terms. We also tackle recent political events, including an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, and emphasize the imperative for Christian leaders to stand righteously across the political spectrum, in alignment with the Word of God. Through discernment, prayer, and a commitment to seeking truth, we aim to find hope and guidance amid the chaos of our times.
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Welcome to the Hopeful Perspective podcast, a place where we discuss what it entails to transform from a personal position of suffering, pain, hopelessness and loss toward a renewed perspective of security, perseverance, hope and love. I am your host, jason Hopkins, a longtime victim and survivor, personally transformed into a victor and thriver, and in each episode you can expect to find authentic dialogue from a biblical and experiential perspective that is beyond merely religious antidotes and simple academic exercise, which all together engage how to find the hope that is essential in moving from a victim to victory, from a survivor to thriver, and from hopeless to hopeful. I was so blessed to be able to record an episode for Elijah Fire's Testimony Tuesday this past week, where I joined my good friend, jeff Tharp, and we had an absolute blast catching up and further sharing the hope of Christ. Be sure to check out the Elijah Fire podcast and all the incredible projects they have going on with their ministry. You can look for our episode on Tuesday, august 6th on their platform.
Speaker 1:I love to look back on the short history of our podcast and see what we have accomplished. We've discussed the foundational principles of suffering, redemption, forgiveness. We've discussed the foundational principles of suffering, redemption, forgiveness, renewing of the mind or a restoration as well, as we explored last week where biblical reconciliation began in the Garden of Eden following the original sin, and that reconciliation was begun and accomplished through the various covenant promises God gave to reconcile or rebuild relationship with Him. To reconcile or rebuild relationship with him, we learned how Jesus became the ultimate covering for our flesh sacrifice for our sins and the reconciliation for our rebuilding broken relationships with God, the Father and other people. As he directs us, he became the once and for all fulfillment of the covenant, the promise, the Old Testament, law and the prophets. As a result, we are to seek reconciliation whenever and wherever we can, specifically when and where it is safe to do so, as according to the open doors the Lord will provide within those messy relationships. Finally, we discussed how the most significant rebuilding project we have in our life is to be reconciled back with God, and this occurs when we have accepted Christ and made him Lord of our life, moving forward. Hence, the full reconciliation is made complete as a separation that began in Eden is now rebuilt and restored back with God for the rest of our lives here and in eternity in heaven. So, essentially, from Eden to heaven, we come full circle through God's covering and his reconciliation, and I find a crazy amount of hope in that the final reconciliation will be Christ coming back for his church, jesus reconciled with the new earth, in the days where there will be no sting, no stress, no sickness and no sadness. There will be only hope. When, in heaven, this fulfillment stokes fires in me like no other. Today, on the Hopeful Perspective podcast, we will examine this crazy political climate we live in and see where it is that we can find hope amongst the chaos. I am excited to jump into this, so I encourage you, like always, to grab your favorite snack, hot or cold beverage. Get comfortable and come on this journey with me today, as we explore the truth about the Bible and our ballots.
Speaker 1:An unnamed friend of mine asked me recently about my perspective of Christian nationalism and, essentially, how I reconcile my own biblical faith with the effects of Christian nationalism. He went on to share that he has been deconstructing his Christian faith and, if I remember correctly, this at least was in part because of the Christian nationalism or the Trumpism that he sees affecting the church. I want to respect his anonymity and I want to say that first off about my friend. I am personally sad he has chosen to deconstruct his faith, though having almost deconstructed and walked away from the faith myself, I can get it. Furthermore, his decision has absolutely zero impact on my love for him, as he is always welcome to a beer or cup of coffee with me for as long as we both traverse this earth and there are Starbucks or pubs. And secondly, I want to say that about his question, that it elicited a response where I was left at the most honest conclusion of.
Speaker 1:I wasn't sure what all I felt, let alone thought, about Christian nationalism or Trumpism. Truth be told, though, I have encountered glimpses of zealous Christians who seem to have difficulty balancing their faith with their politics. I wasn't well-versed in Christian nationalism as a movement per se. This triggered in me a curiosity and a desire to know the truth about Trumpism. Is it real or is it a political leftist hyperbole and talking point? As well as I wanted to learn more about Christian nationalism, what they stand for and what do they believe.
Speaker 1:Too many pundits share opinions today on the easy access the internet affords them to trumpet no pun intended political talking points or to regurgitate partisan party doctrines within their echo chambers, with only minor consideration of the people behind their politics. And, make no mistake, this happens from both sides of the aisle. And, make no mistake, this happens from both sides of the aisle. I am certain as a listener, you are at least somewhat curious about my own political standing and belief on certain issues as a Christian leader, and I am fully prepared to possibly even lose listeners and followers due to the content of this very podcast. I recognize this fact, yet I will not waver on pursuing the biblical truth of that which applies to any issue, regardless of how my presuppositions, worldview, relational status or popularity inform my fleshly desires.
Speaker 1:We often hear this tagline in today's culture. We often hear this tagline in today's culture love is love. In today's podcast, I want to emphasize truth is truth, facts are facts. I will avoid utilizing the slogan that a certain popular right-wing political commentator popularized with facts don't care about your feelings, unless you consider I already failed with that statement. Instead, though, I do think it is important, when forming our worldview on this pursuit of God's heart and his will in pursuit of what is true versus what is fictional and how do we love God and love others that we ought to remember that God's word and God's world do not contradict one another. God's world do not contradict one another.
Speaker 1:When we see apparent contradictions in the world to the Word of God, our current culture tends to write off the Bible as being inapplicable, ancient, immaterial, when attempting to define, guide or even justify today's societal norms. Instead of this, we were created to live out the truth that is found in the word of God, to submit to it, just as we submit to Jesus. And when we see something that opposes his word in society, we ought to, because the Bible taught to encourage the said opposing force to not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may be able to approve what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God. That is Romans 12.2. And then we address the root of this opposition.
Speaker 1:I suppose you will learn that I am an equal opportunity offender of those who may or may not agree with what or how we read the Bible. To instruct or inform us as a foundational and entirely credible guide, to inform us in truth how to act with moral conduct, and to provide specific insight where it applies to how to live our lives as a devoted believer in our society, the culture and governments that we reside and according to the Word that we read. Understand that the goal for me is not to create enemies, yet simply by pursuing the truth of the word, I recognize there will be a natural division and opposition to truth as we know it, and there will be a natural animosity. Romans 1.25 predicts this, declaring that they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator who is forever praised, amen. So as to define terms for the sake of clarity, context and utmost transparency, as well as to quell any notions to where I see truth in the scripture about relevant moral issues that have been politicized, I will share where I stand.
Speaker 1:I have identified myself as a conservative independent for some time, as I was able to recognize years ago a kind of divorce between what or who I was right to vote for, that is, who best represented the truth and the values of Scripture because I was Christian, and what or who I was right to vote for because I was conservative. Prior to this, I was a registered Republican. I can hear the backlash now Republican. I can hear the backlash now. I confess that I, too, drank the Kool-Aid that was sold to me for many years as a conservative Christian and, in some cases, that Kool-Aid was directly provided and consumed from the pulpit of pastors I looked up to, some may say violating some of the very reason for the separation of church and state that we find as a vital element of the First Amendment. That is not to say that today, certain beliefs of mine do not align closely with certain issues that one would consider Republican or conservative in nature. Rather, I am saying that, following my research, that there is a difference from being conservative and being Christian, and that believers have blurred these lines significantly for generations.
Speaker 1:I will unpack both of those points within the next few episodes. I am saying that my desire to remain independent probably raises as many questions as it does give answers. So I'm going to try and articulate what I know to be true in this episode, as well as, or more importantly, give you the biblical position and support where I can find the reasons for the hope that I have regarding politics, political issues, our government, our faith and all the above. I am certain that one side of the partisan fence would label me a reprobate, because I have a strong moral stance for the right to life for every human who has been conceived. I have arrived here as a response to the truth scripture teaches first, and then, secondarily, as a person who was told several times by my mentally ill mother that I was almost aborted and should have met the coat hanger, which was then verified and confirmed by having to help my mentally ill mother. Well, it suffices to say that as a kid, I was forced to clean up the bathroom around the toilet. Having personally witnessed a few of my own siblings going to heaven, I live with the PTSD and the scars of this to this day.
Speaker 1:I am for the rights of the unborn to have life. Don't get me wrong, as I have heard the opposing arguments and the whatabouts, I understand and I empathize, having been a victim of rape and having a sibling who was a victim as well, that there are unfortunate circumstances that pro-choicers want me to consider. Given multiple data points, the research done on those who have made this difficult choice, as well as the indefensible fact that even babies born in the most atrocious and sestual situations or, for those viciously and evilly raped, that those born in these situations can be adopted out and still be given a right and a chance at life, I am strongly for the life of the child, compiling a trauma onto a trauma by having a young girl kill her child, even if born in these minimally reported, rare situations, will not change the fact that she was viciously violated and the perpetrator ought to face those consequences. But why should the child be put to death Now, in the more common examples of inconvenient pregnancies you know like when my teenage mother had me was mentally ill and a drug addict, incapable of providing safety and provisions for her children, should I have lost my ability to live? Because it was her body, her choice. Having had the chance to abort me and witnessing firsthand the disgust and vile nature of her at-home procedures, I still believe that even the healthiest or most legal of abortions carried out would have still had a destructive impact on the mental health of my mother, as taking a life is taking a life.
Speaker 1:If you listened to my whole story within the first six full episodes of the podcast, you know that I have survived the impact of such a deplorable sin and decision firsthand, having been forced to take life myself. The hope of my story provides a living example as to why all babies ought to have legal protection. Babies, from the worst scenarios and most unlikely starting points can grow into a Moses, a Joseph or even a Paul. The least of these can grow to have the most profound impact. So yes, I am for life. The sixth commandment implores us against murder for godly reasons, even when evil temptations compel us. Otherwise I get it.
Speaker 1:The last few paragraphs have potentially begun these drawing of lines between one another. I can see the possibility of my more liberal-leaning followers falling off now, and for that I am sad to lose you simply because my beliefs offend you, though I hope you wait at least to the end of the podcast to leave. Believe me, you will not be the only group challenged, if not frustrated, by this episode. So let's discuss the other common Christian-based value that is fought amongst political adversaries, besides the right to life.
Speaker 1:I am a straight white male who believes that marriage is biblically defined and therefore ought to be, because the Bible taught to be as one man and one woman for one lifetime. Now I must admit to you that my reasons for this decision differ greatly from the genesis of the right to life. I reached this conclusion about marriage even having given countless and I mean numerous hours to the study of the subject from every point of view I could find, from the Bible to even those on the fringe, alternative, progressive and the more liberal of theologies and perspectives. Now I wanted more than anything to arrive at an amicable, safe and, dare I say, inclusive position. I have to confess that to you, a part of how I am wired wants to be inclusive, because I have experienced enough rejection for a lifetime and no one wants to be judged, nor left on the outside. Am I right? Yet I want more so, to arrive at truth and, despite some of the best attempts from progressive efforts to question traditional biblical interpretation, I still have searched and studied and still found the traditional hermeneutical and scriptural position to be the most accurate One man, one woman, one lifetime.
Speaker 1:The strongest moral lens on this or any subject must be Jesus, our Lord, who governs our life, and the Logos, the written word, which is the key truth foundation where we Christians draw our epistemological beliefs. Now, I feel this point is important. I have several LGBTQ friends who both know and understand that I hold this position, but we have maintained an open dialogue and legitimate friendships for years together, though I have related together and even counseled with members of the LGBTQ community for these years, while still holding these beliefs, I realize in today's more toxic sociopolitical landscape that having varying beliefs becomes a vicious separator. I always prefer a personal conversation about divisive issues and even the many other nuanced and less controversial of biblical beliefs, as opposed to resorting to being a keyboard warrior. Yet I know this isn't only impractical, it is inappropriate in specific contexts or platforms. So now you know where I stand on the two most known issues.
Speaker 1:The left and right quarrel over each political season. Are you ready to paint that corner and put me in it? Don't forget and do not become distracted. We are on the pursuit of truth as to what it means to be a believer who participates in their civic and political duties, if you will. So I'm not just sharing my beliefs on these issues just for the sake of transmitting information, but rather for you to keep in mind when we traverse further into our conversation, as a Christian who balances their faith with politics. So in the pursuit of truth, I have researched and come across multimedia and literature all across the political spectrum, from left to right, and I have prayed for discernment to separate fact from fiction or fact from feelings. I just want the truth of what is being said and or done, as well as I have prayed for discernment to evaluate and research the how that things are done? How is the messaging being promoted and used almost evangelically in or out of the church?
Speaker 1:Most significantly, I wanted to read in as many passages and as possible what the word says on the subject of civics and government and then, just like our God often does, the same day that I received this question from my friends about my perspective, I read a devotional where the content spoke direct truth regarding this subject, thus sending an arrow right to the heart of this matter. The Holy Spirit is so good at communicating His heart and we will be looking at this passage in our next episode. What's crazier to know is that these questions, this research and all of this preceded the assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life by only one day, and this can be confirmed if you look at all my social media posts shared that day before. And, of course, we know that the following impact of the shooting and the fact that our incumbent president has since stepped out of the race that all of these incidents the past few weeks have incited people elicited responses across the political spectrum and given what are more possible reasons to divide our country even wider, as if we needed more fuel to the fire. I have been given a strong biblical word from the scriptures regarding Christian politics, and I have decided to ask the difficult question about the pageantry of American politics, as well as its effect on a devout Christian's life, again how it ought to be, because it's biblically taught to be.
Speaker 1:Versus me just sharing you my opinion. Part of the reason I wanted to be clear on some of my above stances is that I hold distinctive differences in my beliefs from those of my Christian friends who consider themselves progressive as much as I do from those people who are non-Christian and left-leaning. Yet the very thing that my sister and my grandfather and aunts and relatives and friends who fought for in our military was the freedom that we just celebrated a few weeks ago to have personal beliefs. That will be different amongst family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. And different even amongst Christian believers. There is a time, though, as Christian leaders, where we will need to take a righteous stand for the correct reasons, and, believe me when I use this language, that standing has as much to do with correcting the right as it does the left. Standing for life of the unborn is important to me. If so is standing for truth above heresy that is affecting some believers, I know, and maybe influencing members of churches, you know, if not whole church families themselves. Heresy, like what is often promoted in the camp of Christian nationalism. Yet we will unpack this as well as examine some of the following questions next time.
Speaker 1:On the Hopeful Perspective what, if anything, does the Bible say about our faith in politics, our faith in government? What does the Bible tell us about our messaging, our communication and the passions regarding any political message? If it says anything at all, how do we know if we are crossing the lines from a biblical passion and a faith or worldly agenda over to a flesh or worldly pursuit and ambition? Are there warning signs? Are there lines we should or should not cross as believers? Where does living in the kingdom of God, once we have committed our lives to Christ, and living in the place of residence in your country under your government leaders, and living in the place of residence in your country under your government leaders? Where do they conflict and where are they compatible? I want to ask and where I can answer these difficult questions.
Speaker 1:Friends, we know that firsthand that our democracy is a colorful canvas of varying beliefs, experiences, political beliefs, etc. There are even various lenses by which we define and value truth. Believe me, I have personally critically examined a significant portion of what is available for consumption on my own truth journey. Yet I have found the only answer for hope and freedom that supersedes politics, governments, kingdoms, kings, presidents, political candidates and policies is the truth of Jesus Christ, who is my Lord and my Savior. The evidence is overwhelming for somebody who's actually pursuing truth. Yet we don't arrive at accepting, believing or submitting to him by just mere evidence and what we perceive with our five senses alone. Rather, we have to come to him by his grace, giving us faith and putting our trust and faith in him, and especially for what we do not know.
Speaker 1:I do not know God's perspective and all its accuracy and truth regarding even the issues we face today, except by which he has revealed. And for some of you listening, you have either walked away from that faith and, trust me, you at one time placed in him, or maybe you have been tempted away in your own pain, like I once was, to pursue other avenues you thought provided you more security or anesthetization how about that word? Or you have never put your hope in faith and your trust nor belief in Christ, but you're feeling compelled in your search for truth by the evidence, as the Holy Spirit is illuminating for you on this journey. Either way, I would be remissed if we left our time today without providing an opportunity for us to respond to Christ, and I want to pray for you right now. All of you listening, please either agree with this prayer or lift those up that are listening who are needing it right now.
Speaker 1:Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and I surrender my life to you. Wash me and cleanse me from all unforgiveness and pride. I believe that you are the Son of God, that you died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins and you rose again on the third day for my victory. I believe that in my heart and make confession with my mouth that you, jesus, are my Lord and my Savior. You are higher than any earthly king and president, and your kingdom is forever. I want to live my life according to your terms. I want you to change my reliance from myself or on worldly political pursuits where I've placed hope, and instead I want to trust your plan and I ask for you to put the people and the processes by which I need to pursue restoration into my life.
Speaker 1:I ask for you to reveal to me and the processes by which I need to pursue restoration into my life. I ask for you to reveal to me where I have mistakenly been idolatrous in this and whatever dynamics the enemy has utilized to keep me apart. I speak your truth over, where I have become overzealous in my passion for politics or politicians, or even the ability to vote for policies, that has taken me out of balance and away from faith. I ask for your grace and mercy and, most importantly, I ask for your forgiveness. Thank you for being a God of mercy, a God of healing and a God of truth. Might I become a bridge builder who stands on truth, yet does so with the wisdom and the discernment of your Holy Spirit. And it's for your hope and it's in your name, jesus, that I pray all of this Amen.
Speaker 1:If you have today agreed with this prayer from the depths of your heart, I welcome you to the eternal family of God, or I commend you in your return to what is faithful and true. I encourage you to find and commit yourself to an orthodox, biblical-based faith family who worships the Lord passionately. Also. I encourage you to find and commit yourself to an orthodox, biblical-based faith family who worships the Lord passionately. Also, I encourage you to devote yourself to the reading of the scriptures, as there is so much to grow, learn from and be discipled in as it pertains to new life and new maturity in Christ.
Speaker 1:Next time on the Hopeful Perspective podcast, we will examine further this crazy political climate that we live in and see where it is that we can find hope amongst the chaos. On the Hopeful Perspective podcast, we will examine further this crazy political climate that we live in and see where it is that we can find hope amongst the chaos. We will look at specific scriptural passages that give us truth as well as direction. I look forward to being with you next time, but until then, I want to thank you for joining me along this journey and, if you would be so kind to follow, subscribe and, most importantly, to download, to rate and write a review for others on your platform who may need the hopeful perspective in their life.
Speaker 1:Did you know that you can actually contribute monetarily by pressing our support the show link that is embedded on your platform in the episode descriptions. Show link that is embedded on your platform in the episode descriptions. You can be reassured that all of your contributions are going to be utilized to grow the podcast, to multiply our equipment, to broaden our reach and to share the hope of Christ. I want to shout out my gratitude to the multiple new donors who have already made this commitment to support the podcast financially, but we need more of you. Without you, it would not be possible to reach as many people with the messages we do or anyone who needs to be reminded that hope is indeed real. So I want to thank you so much in advance and until next time, remember you are loved.